This is a trade only website, to view prices apply for a trade account. by clicking on the YOUR ACCOUNT BUTTON BELOW.

Refund Policy

  • All returns must be in the original packaging.

  • All damages must be reported within 14 days of your delivery or collection.

  • All goods must be notified to the company with invoice details, image of the product and stock number.

  • If a credit is required it will be at the companies discretion depending on the damage or fault.

  • All goods must be checked before selling on to your customer, we do not accept any damages after it is with your customer.
  • If any damage that can be discovered by you on reasonable examination is not reported within 14 working days it will be presumed goods were delivered in good condition.

  • We do not offer replacements, Products need to be repurchased on your next order.

  • If goods have been damaged via our transport service we accept responsibility.

  • Refunds once the correct information has been sent is immediate.